Type All Types Resource Tips & Strategy All Types Resource Tips & Strategy Sort by Most Recent Oldest First Resource The Complete LIDP Checklist Are you prepared to meet the requirements of the Victorian Government’s Local Jobs First Policy? Our Local Industry Development Plan... Tips & Strategy Do You Know What A Winning Tender Response Looks Like? How do you know what a winning tender response looks like if you’ve never seen one? Last week, I was... Tips & Strategy Spotlight On The Victorian Aboriginal Procurement Target Six years down the track, we take a look at progress towards the Victorian Aboriginal Procurement Target and consider how... Tips & Strategy Company Policies: Why Your Organisation Needs Them Company policies guide decision-making and are an important governance tool. Importantly for government suppliers, there are some policies you need... Tips & Strategy Building Equality Policy Targets Gender Equality In Construction Complete with three actions and gender equality targets across the construction sector, Victoria’s new Building Equality Policy is a mandatory... Tips & Strategy Early Market Engagement – Why It’s Important For Government Procurements Good procurement is about delivering business outcomes. Governments that embrace early market engagement encourage innovation and empower the market to... 12